- англ.(energy absorbing steeringwheel) энергопоглощающее рулевое колесо
Dizionario italiano-russo Automobile. 2013.
Dizionario italiano-russo Automobile. 2013.
EAS — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda EAS puede referirse a: Eusko Alderdi Sozialista, antiguo partido de la izquierda abertzale; Aeropuerto de San Sebastián, en su código IATA. Cascada atmosférica extensa por el acrónimo en inglés de extended air shower … Wikipedia Español
EAS — ist eine Abkürzung für: Early Ammonia Servicer, Zusatztank der Internationalen Raumstation, wurde im Rahmen der ISS Expedition 15 entfernt East Asia Summit, internationale Konferenz ostasiatischer Staaten EAS3 – ein Softwarepaket zum Speichern… … Deutsch Wikipedia
EAS — may stand for: * End Of Active Service, The end of an enlisted member s term in the military. * Early Admission Scheme, in Hong Kong * Earth Alliance Starship, a ship of EarthForce in the Babylon 5 fictional universe. * East Asia Summit, a group… … Wikipedia
eas|er — «EE zuhr», noun. a person or thing that eases … Useful english dictionary
eas|i|ly — «EE zuh lee», adverb. 1. in an easy manner. 2. without trying hard; with little effort: »Her simple tasks were quickly and easily done. SYNONYM(S): readily. 3. without pain or trouble; comfortably: »A few hours after the operation, the patient… … Useful english dictionary
eas — dis·eas·ed·ly; dis·eas·ed·ness; eas; eas·er; eas·i·ly; eas·i·ness; eas·ing; eas·sel; eas·ter·li·ness; eas·ter·tide; eas·ton·ite; … English syllables
EAS — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
EAS — RadioPP Emergency Broadcast System. RadioPP (now EAS) Emergency Alert System … Audio and video glossary
EAS — executive and administrative schedule (EAS) A salary structure that applies to most managerial and administrative USPS employees … Glossary of postal terms
EAS Airlines — EAS (Executive Airlines Services) Airlines was an airline based in Lagos, Nigeria. It operated passenger services within Nigeria and charters to neighbouring countries. It also provided executive jet services under the name Executive Airline… … Wikipedia
EAS Europe Airlines — was a French airlines that operated from 1965 until 1995. Code Data *IATA Code: EYT *ICAO Code: EY *Callsign: Euro LineCompany HistoryEurope Aéro Service was a subsidiary of Societe Aero Sahara and began flights in 1965 with services between… … Wikipedia